I'm based in Hamburg, Germany &
interested in physics, ML and Web Dev
I currently work at Buildlinx, where I develop self-learning algorithms
I hold a M.Sc. in Physics from University of Hamburg
I worked on gen. ML in particle physics,
my recent publications can be found here:
J. Birk, E. Buhmann, C. Ewen, G. Kasieczka, D. Shih
E. Buhmann, C. Ewen, G. Kasieczka, V. Mikuni, B. Nachman, D. Shih
E. Buhmann, C. Ewen, D. A. Faroughy, T. Golling, G. Kasieczka, M. Leigh, G. Quétant, J. A. Raine, D. Sengupta, D. Shih
Some coding projects and tools used:
Easily train and evaluate multiple generative models on various particle physics datasets
Convolutional neural network tutorial for the ErumData deep learning school
FastJet jet clustering tutorial for LHC Olympics data
Some web development projects of mine: